- Q:What does the Canadian flag look like? 加拿大的国旗是怎样的?
- What does the building look like? 那建筑物外表什么样?
- So what does the future look like for MDB? 那么MDB将来会是什么样子呢?
- What does the perfume smell like? 这种香水闻起来怎样?
- What do the letters UN stand for? 字母UN代表什么?
- What do the stars look like in the space? 在空间站看星星象的样子是什么?
- What does the scale, dial, gauge, etc read? 刻度尺、 刻度盘、 量规等显示的读数是多少?
- What does the word mean in its narrowest sense? 这个词的最狭义的意思是什麽?
- What did the suspect do on July ninth? 嫌疑犯在七月九日做了什么事情?
- What does the daydreamer look like? 22空想家长什么样?
- What does the room with a bath cost? 带浴室的房间值多少钱。
- What does the future hold for your century? 在你们的世纪中,未来将会给你们带来什么呢?
- What does the moon care if the dog barks at her. 狗吠岂碍皓月之光?
- And what does the suitcase look like? 是什么样的行李?
- What does the impact of organization climate show? 组织风气的影响揭示了什么?
- What does the inner landscape look like? 这内在的风景看起来象什么?
- What do the Olympic rings symbolize? 奥运五环象征什么?
- What does the weather look like ? 现在天气怎么样?
- What does the screen output mean? 屏幕的输出代表什么?